类型:言情,谍战,动作 / 地区:韩国 / 年份:2013
主演:西蒙娜·弗罗西,Liddy Clark,比阿特丽斯·斯特雷特,米歇尔·菲佛,Eric Madsen
简介:Roger Moore and Stacey Keach star in this Italian-Roger Moore and Stacey Keach star in this Italian-American co-production, and try to be the Martin and Lewis of 70's crime exploitation cinema. The rigor mortis of Roger Moore was never more noticeable as it is here, playing the straight man next to the Keach's easygoing rouge. It's a rather stale exploitation film, with the typical one liners, car chases, shoot outs, and gratuitously bad dubbing of the Italian actors. The film does have one great highlight when Keach takes a gangster's car for a test drive, and in hair-raising fashion, wrecks it through the streets of San Francisco. Unfortunately, it all doesn't work- the comedy isn't funny enough, neither Keach or Moore are particularly convincing (especially Moore, who is as dry as a desert), the violence and stuntwork is middling, the story isn't very engaging, and the ending is painfully banal. There may be just enough `so bad it's good' work that 70's exploitation fans may be entertained, but no one would call it great.孟加拉国独立战争后,两个孤儿维克拉姆(兰威尔·辛格饰演)和巴拉(阿俊·卡普尔饰演)无依无靠,为求温饱,小小年纪就开始进行军火走私贩卖,而有一天的一场意外却改变了他们的命运。他们被迫前往加尔各答,在那备受歧视,后发现商机,从火车上偷煤来卖,他们非法生意的版图也逐日扩大。十几年后,成为了加尔各答最大的黑帮头目。警察眼里的头号通缉犯,穷人眼中的救世主。而楠迪达(朴雅卡·乔普拉饰演)的出现,让两兄弟心醉神迷,魂不守舍,两兄弟不惜为之反目,而这一切的一切,究竟是场邂逅还是场阴谋?列车因暴雨引发泥石流而被停在半路。一节车厢中的八名乘客,全部陷入了不明原因的昏迷当中。调查结果则更让人心惊,其中一位乘客已经成为了冰冷的尸体……他想让姜晚明白,他比沈宴州更努力,即便出身不好,也会靠着双手让她过上好的生活,但她似乎感觉不到,或许感觉到了,也会视而不见。也不知道张婆子上辈子做了啥好事儿,能摊上这样一个儿子!庄依波听了,有些不好意思地看了申望津一眼。他之所以会知道这种蛇,还是因为以前执行任务的时候,在一个地下拍卖会看见有人拍卖这种东西,听旁边的人科普才知道。《侦探》讲述的是具有天才侦查第六感的主人公大万(权相佑饰)与老手刑警(成东日饰)一起解决神秘杀人案件的故事。权相佑饰演的主人公大万是一家之长,开了一个漫画书店维持生计,而他私下实际上是天才侦探,运营着国内未解决案件和犯罪分析的同好会和博客。这也是权相佑自2011年《痛症》之后再度回归韩国大银幕。当Daniel突然背着行囊出现在Ryan的家门口,他也进入了Ryan的心房。虽然Ryan从不承认Daniel是男朋友,但是两人那迸发的情欲在小房子里无可阻挡地浓烈蔓延着。由于演员梦想的破灭,Daniel的离去让Ryan开始失控……BY-OACFAN详情