类型:动作,谍战,恐怖 / 地区:大陆 / 年份:2014
简介:看着她发亮的双眼,顾潇潇摸了摸下巴,好像江子那货,也不是纯粹的单相思。1949年初夏,江南某城市。被看着她发亮的双眼,顾潇潇摸了摸下巴,好像江子那货,也不是纯粹的单相思。1949年初夏,江南某城市。被解放的民众载歌载舞,欢迎解放军入城。国民党特务陈福堂(白穆 饰)以粮店老板身份蜇伏下来,伺机切断城市粮源,扼杀我新生民主政权。我军副团长田文中(达式常 饰)被委派为粮食采购工作队长,带人深入太平集,依靠地方党组织,发动群众,收购粮食。陈福堂指使山上的土匪武大癞子(程之 饰)四处抢粮,扰乱我军购粮计划,内奸刘志仁(焦晃 饰)向陈福堂出卖情报,致使我运粮船遭土匪袭击。田文中在区委工商联会议上揭露陈福堂破坏购粮计划的险恶用心,刘志仁则极力为陈开脱,田文中将计就计,故意把假情报泄露出来。刘志仁把运粮时间透露给陈福堂,一场引蛇出洞的好戏开场了......Abhik Chowdhury is an IPS officer with a heart -- honest, upright, yet laid-back. Having lost faith in the real relationships that he sees around him, Abhik seeks solace in the virtual world. While navigating through this virtual world, Abhik develops an online relationship with a young woman, Brinda, without knowing anything about her. Brinda is a young, dynamic television journalist. For both Abhik and Brinda, who do not know each other's real names or whereabouts, this online communication soon becomes an increasingly intense relationship, more real than virtual. Ironically the virtual lovers, Abhik and Brinda have an acrimonious first meeting in the real world - at the launch of a controversial mega project of a big-time real estate entrepreneur, V.K. Mehra. Unaware that she knows Abhik so well on the Internet, Brinda, gets into a bitter exchange of words with him. Before leaving in a huff, she overhears a piece of conversation about Mehra's project, which gives her a lead to a potentially big scoop. Ranjan and Paromita, an estranged couple, become the bridge between Brinda and Abhik. Ranjan is Abhik's cousin, but he is more a friend, philosopher and guide. A stock market addict, Ranjan leads a lonely life after having separated from Paromita a few years ago. Paromita, is a senior marketing executive with the television channel where Brinda is a colleague and a friend. Ranjan and Paro still care deeply for each other, but they have separated because they feel togetherness would spoil that very love and tenderness. It is an irony they live through, each alone. As the film progresses, we follow the lives of these characters as they discover each other and also themselves; and when the credits roll up we see love is fragile, yet it continues endlessly, linking us to eternity.你别以为,这样就过去了。慕浅喘着气,咬牙道,抵消不了你做过的事——这是一部上映于2013年的喜剧动画片。一个与世隔绝的小岛——索门岛。数十年前,有一群人因为各种原因登上该岛,他们看似与普通人无异,但他们的日常行为又异于常人。在岛上,银行是不锁门的,枯瘦如柴的银行行长根本不怕金条丢失,他有一套独特的防范措施。科学家们则热衷于摧毁和爆炸,没人能知道他们心里在想什么。岛...张雪岩这一声妈妈叫的那叫一个一波三折,但是沈玉玫是何许人,一直把持着家里大大小小的一切,发起脾气来,就连张其东都缩着脖子不敢说话。被选中的人,并非是表现最突出的人,也并非是惜败的人。讨厌只是因为这些人太尽职了,崇拜也是因为太尽职了,她执行任务遇到这些人,是最难缠的。2015德国汉堡电影节最佳影片提名作品。导演是斯蒂芬·里克,曾凭借《双重罪》入围第十四届上海国际电影节金爵奖参赛。这部新作和平克·弗洛伊德的专辑《The Dark Side of The Moon》并没关系,而是改编了“瑞士当代最成功的作家”马丁·苏特的2006年同名畅销小说,而主角莫里兹·布雷多,...详情